Resources page

Safeguarding and legal documents

Click on the titles to read, or to download as a pdf.

Safeguarding policy 2023

Mid Thames Quakers resources

Yew Tree grants for charitable causes

Some useful leaflets about Quakers

Image of Ql Leaflets

Click on the titles to read, or to download as a pdf.

Your first time at a Quaker meeting

Quaker faith

Quaker worship

Quaker Community

Quaker Living

Advices & Queries

Getting ready for Quaker Worship

Living what we believe

I’m a Quaker, this is why

Explores Quaker belief, action and history, with thoughts from young Quakers – but relevant to all.

Other Quaker resources

Quakers in Britain
The national website for Britain Yearly Meeting offers a wide range of information about Quakers and what they do. It includes explanations of Quaker worship, values and work.

Young adult Quakers in Britain
Events and concerns of young adult Quakers, aged 18 to 30ish

Quaker concern over population (QCOP) latest Newsletter
Please click here

Click on the titles to read, or download as pdf.

Mid Thames Quakers' Annual review 2019

Our first Annual review found out about worship, witness and fellowship in all our Local Meetings, during 2019

Quakers in Henley

This is a short summary of the book Quakers in Henley, 1658 - 2008, by Michael Macleod. It follows the history of Quakers in Henley from when Ambrose Rigge - the first Quaker preacher to come to the town - arrived  in 1658, up until the 21st century.

A history of Newbury Quaker Meeting house

Newbury is ‘not your average Quaker Meeting house’ and is currently surrounded by a building site. This short paper by Jane Burrell explains the history of the building. See the Newbury Quakers webpage for more about the next chapter of the history - the current redevelopment project.

Reading Quaker Meeting house conservation plan

This plan, written by Anna Melville in 2013, guides the management and conservation of our Grade 2 listed Meeting House, and also gives a fascinating history of the building, including old photos and site plans.

Reading 'Biscuit crumb' trail

A self-led walk between Reading Museum and the Museum of English Rural Life, highlighting places of historical significance to the town's biscuit making heritage. This includes the Quaker Meeting House, where the biscuit manufactures Huntley and Palmer worshipped.

A brief historical and contemporary account of Quakers in the Wallingford area

This account by Matthew Callow traces the history of Quakers in Wallingford from the mid 17th century until the present day. Find out why a Wallingford Quaker had £40 of cattle taken from him in 1667, and what the Meeting house was used for in the 1920s. And more!

Howard Grace booklet - To Thine Own Self be True

Booklet of a spiritual journey from atheism, Christianity, Initiatives of Change and Quakers, towards a vision of Shared Humanity. PDF free on link above.

Printed booklet £4 inc p&p from <>

Mid Thames Quakers' sustainability report 2018

Quakers throughout the UK have committed to become a low-carbon, sustainable community. This report looks at how Mid Thames Area Quaker Meeting (Mid Thames Quakers) worked towards this commitment in 2018 and previous years, and at our future plans.

Mid Thames Quakers Newsletter

Click on the title to download the newsletter as a PDF


    Earlier editions available on request