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Quaker in Parliament

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Reading Quaker, Yuan Yang, has been elected as the first Member of Parliament for the new constituency of Earley and…

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This year marks 400 years since the birth of one of Quakerism’s founders, George Fox. As part of the celebrations,…

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Discovering Quakers

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Newbury Quakers has just signed up to Discovering Quakers. ‘Tell the world about Quakerism’ is their simple mission. If you’d…

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A band and caller, reams of bunting, lots of cheer, 40 Quakers and friends, and 1800 square-feet of Meeting House…

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Making history

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The History of Reading Society were given a talk on Quakers in Reading and a guided tour of our Meeting…

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Quaker Worship… on the road

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Quaker academic and author, Rhiannon Grant, facilitated an “on the road” course at Reading Meeting House looking at Worship, Ministry…

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Marital tensions

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Friends from Reading attended an online Quaker Family History Society talk by Chris Skidmore, Conflict over Quaker marriages in seventeenth-century…

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Friendship and enjoyment

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Young Adult Friends (YAF) in Oxford hosted a Regional Meeting of Quakers. We came together as a community from Meetings…

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Meeting for Worship, on Broad Street

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World Quaker Day was marked in Reading with a climate-justice vigil, and by taking the peace of our silent waiting…

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Standing up for juries

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Quakers and friends in Reading protested outside Reading Crown Court, along with similar demonstrators nationally, to remind jurors of their…

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