About Quakers
Our faith
Quakers are a faith group who try to live in truth, peace, simplicity and equality, finding God in ourselves and everyone we meet. We have roots in Christianity but value the insights of other faiths as well. Find out how Quakers worship and what we do.
Our values
We try to put our faith into action. Find out about the values (testimonies) which help us live this way.
Quaker faith & practice
Quaker faith & practice is the ‘guidebook’ of Quakers in Britain. It is largely composed of extracts from Quakers' writings: a fitting way of expressing the breadth of our belief, experience and theology. It also describes our structures and practices.
Our history
Quakers have a long history. Find out more about our past and the influence we have had on society.
Come to a Quaker Meeting in the Mid Thames Area
We meet at East Garston, Henley, Maidenhead, Newbury, Reading, Wallingford and Wokingham. All are welcome.
Hear more about Quakers in their own words
Watford Quakers talk about their faith and practice in a great set of short videos.
Find out more at a course
A wide range of courses, retreats and events are offered at Quaker study centres, including our most local centre at Charney Manor: