Henley Quakers

Welcome to our Meeting

Our Meeting House is on the north of Henley town centre.

On Sundays about 20 people meet in Quaker worship. There is no programme or leader: anyone who feels called to speak may do so, but often Meetings for Worship are largely silent. We serve tea and coffee afterwards, except when we have a Business Meeting. On the 3rd Sunday each month, after Meeting for Worship, we usually have soup, bread and cheese followed by a discussion. All are welcome to come to a Meeting for Worship and stay for the lunch and discussion

We don’t have children attending our Meeting at present, but if you would like to bring children we should love them to come. Please let us know so we can provide suitable care or activities.

Details of Meetings for Worship and other upcoming events are in the calendar below.

The Meeting House and facilities are all accessible and there is a hearing loop in the main room.

We offer

  • A place where you can be still
  • An opportunity to increase your spiritual awareness
  • A community of support and friendship
  • Resources to expand your sympathies
  • Time to deepen your faith

          On Sundays: 10:45 to 11:45

Find us

Henley Quaker (Friends) Meeting House
45 Northfield End
Oxfordshire RG9 2JJ

Location: Northfield End is north of Henley town centre, close to the Fairmile.

Train: 10-15 minutes’ walk from Henley station, through the town

Bus: Buses X80, 800 and 850 from Reading and High Wycombe, stop at Bell Street and Swiss Farm.

Parking: There is a small car park to the side of the cottage attached to the Meeting House and also (on Sundays) free parking on the opposite side of the road.

Contact us

Post: 45 Northfield End, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire RG9 2JJ


General enquiries Email (room hire) 

Donate to  Henley Quakers

Donations help support our worship and activities, and maintain our Meeting house.  Follow the link below to donate online to Henley Quakers using CAF donate.

More about Henley Quakers

Room hire
We are pleased for others to use our Meeting House, and a wide range of organisations, individuals and groups hire our rooms. Further details are available here.

Latest news - Henley

See home page for all Mid Thames Quakers' news

Our Moral Obligation?

Sunday 9th June 7-9pm Henley Town Hall RG9 2AQ Many other activities during the Great...
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Discovering Quakers

Newbury Quakers has just signed up to Discovering Quakers. ‘Tell the world about Quakerism’ is...
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Peaceful Garden

Henley Quakers are opening their garden on Sunday 19th May 2.00-5.00pm. The garden includes a...
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The Hope Foundation Charity

A recent Henley Meeting charity. Henley Quakers invited Alison Clark-Morris to talk to us about...
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Upcoming events - Henley

See home page for all Mid Thames Quakers’ events