Quaker School in Lebanon

Brummana School-e2

Brummana High school, with its beautiful campus in the hills above Beirut, has been a haven of peace and tranquility in which to study for over 140 years. The School pioneered a unique multi-faith co-educational approach in Lebanon adapting the English Quaker boarding school model. Although nowadays there are few Quakers on the staff, the administration and teachers actively try to promote a Quaker ethos within the school with an emphasis on the four key Quaker testimonies to Peace, Equality, Truth and Simplicity. They create a caring, tolerant mutually respectful atmosphere which parents find quite tangible. The school is undergoing a change in leadership as Dr Walid Khoury, the Principal, is retiring after 16 years at the helm, next year.

Paul High, of Newbury Quakers who has been a trustee of Brummana High School for 17 years asks Friends in all places to hold the school and its mission to educate young hearts and minds, in their thoughts and prayers.

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Posted By MG in , on 20, Nov, 2017

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