Was James Naylor really guilty of blasphemy?


History enthusiasts at Reading Meeting have set up a group which meets monthly to look at the life and context of Quakers from the past. A presentation is given on an individual, ‘worts and all’, followed by a discussion on how this person speaks to us today.

For our fourth meeting, we will be considering the controversial figure of James Naylor, who in 1656 was convicted of blasphemy in a highly publicised trial before Parliament. Narrowly escaping execution, he was sentenced to be put in the pillory, have a red-hot iron bored through his tongue, branded with the letter ‘B’ for Blasphemer on his forehead, and imprisoned for an indefinite time. But was he guilty?

Come along and find out at the Quaker history group meeting on Monday 16th May 2022 at 7:30pm on Zoom 

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Posted By AW in , on 1, May, 2022

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