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What makes Quakers tick?

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Craft activities, talks, food, poppies, Meeting house tours and special Meetings for worship – there was something for everyone during…

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White poppies on Sunday 14 October

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At our market stall in Henley, we gave away white poppies. Sunday 14 October is well before Remembrance Sunday, to…

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The new noticeboard outside Wokingham Quaker meeting house

Our latest Mid Thames Quakers’ newsletter..

Posted in , , , , , , , full of summer news from around the area. There’s Newbury Quakers’ nail-biting knockout in a Christian Aid skittles competition;…

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Peaceful garden opened for Chelsea Fringe, Henley Quakers, Sunday 20 May

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On the afternoon of Sunday 20 May Henley Quakers welcomed about sixty visitors to their Peaceful Garden, as part of…

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Snowdrops at Henley Quaker Meeting

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A steady stream of visitors were enchanted by the snowdrops in the large garden of our meeting house on the…

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White poppies at Henley

Promoting peacebuilding in Henley

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At two public events this autumn, Henley Quakers have promoted ideas of positive peacebuilding. On 25 October Diana Francis spoke…

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